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I work successfully with a number of different coaches, from all over the world... with incredible results


Holding a transformative and expansive space for coaches, just like you, to...


  • Make powerful shifts in mindset

  • Enhance health and wellbeing

  • Embrace the ripple effect on confidence, coaching ability and impact for your clients



As a coach you know…


  • The power and life-changing effect good coaching has on a client’s life


  • The importance of embracing and healing your own limitations in cultivating a more free, expansive mindset in which to better serve your clients and yourself


Yet we don’t often invest in ourselves so deeply. We spend so much time serving others, it can be easy to forget ourselves.


We may often coach ourselves. Though it is challenging to see your own blind spots, beneath what you think they are, and dissolve them.


What becomes available when this powerful open space is held for you?




An incredible open space for YOU to explore your own mind and health.

What YOU need... where YOU are not yet free... and what may become available for YOU when you embrace and work through this.


I also offer mentoring for new coaches, if requested.



  • Freedom in your mind and body

  • An embodied confidence, calm and sense of pure possibility

  • Improved connection to yourself, your intuition and wisdom

  • A rekindled passion, energy, vitality and excitement!

  • Direction, focus and drive

Image by Diego PH

"There is no self development without self awareness. You can read as many books as you like but if you can’t read yourself, you will never learn a thing."

Steven Barlett


High Performance Coach

“I’ve done a ton of work on myself over the years and I’m always looking for ways to expand my level of self-awareness. Kim unlocked some incredible learnings for me. In only one session Kim gave me immense clarity on a blindspot that held me back for years. I benefited more from that one session than 3 months of coaching with others. She’s a gem of a coach and a really wonderful person, to match. I would recommend her to anyone who wants to make rapid shift in their being.”


Inner Freedom Coach

"Each session with Dr Kim was unique and the level of compassion, guidance and reflection was always so powerful. I felt totally safe, her energy, speed and reflections were spot on! Being in the presence of the gem that she is, feels truly liberating and simply conversing with her inspires pure possibility. Her coaching, her breadth of knowledge in so many different areas and passionate energy are awe inspiring. She is a true gem that has helped polish my perception of reality I will absolutely work with Kim again on my journey to freedom,  being limitless is your thing, look no further




Professional Golf Coach

“Going through this process I have learned to really trust that life has my back and meeting Kim has showed me that. She is so genuine and present it is incredible. I am getting a little emotional writing this as I honestly can’t thank her enough for the way she shown up in our sessions over the last few months and the impact it has had on me in so many ways. I am looking forward to more work in the future with Kim. She is literally the best!”


Finance Manager

To read more testimonials and reviews click on the link below...


As a transformational coach, I am here to help you free your mind, get out of your own way and really live your life. If you have any questions or would like to book a discovery call, please visit our contact page. I look forward to hearing from you

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